Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Workplace Ethics and Attitudinal Change - 4089 Words

WORKPLACE ETHICS AND ATTITUDINAL CHANGE Learning objectives At the end of the presentation, participants should be able to; - Understand what work ethics is all about and be able to classify decision as ethical or unethical. - Appreciates the categories of ethical questions - Analyses ethical reasoning based on the tools of ethics - Grasp some of the actions which may be breaching the boundary of ethical practices at workplaces. - Learn some of the ways ethics in the workplace can be managed - Understands attitudes and attitudinal change and the three different parts which together create an evaluation of the attitude object. - Recognizes some of the top strategies for changing attitudes. - Be able to†¦show more content†¦By contrast, an unethical decision is a decision that a manager would prefer to disguise or hide from other people because it enables a company or a particular individual to gain at the expense of society or other stakeholders. A decision is probably acceptable on ethical grounds if a manager can answer â€Å"yes† to each of these questions: i. Does my decision fall within the accepted values or standards that typically apply in the organizational environment? ii. Am I willing to see the decision communicated to all stakeholders affected by it – for example, by having it reported in newspapers or on television? iii. Would the people with whom I have significant personal relationship, such as family members, friends, or even managers in other organizations, approve of the decision? Four levels of ethical questions We cannot avoid ethical issues in our organizations any more than we can avoid them other areas of our lives. In life, most ethical questions fall into one or more of four categories: societal, stakeholder, internal policy, or personal. Societal; at the societal level, we ask question about the basic institutions in a society. For instance, the problem of apartheid in South Africa was a societal level question: is it ethnically correct to have a social system in which a group of people – the majority – is systematically denied the basic right. Stakeholder; here we askShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Title Vii Laws And Common Laws1151 Words   |  5 Pagesemployment policies by clearly understanding the companies tolerance toward unacceptable workplace behavior. A clearly written handbook that does not imply that employment is life long, but instead states that the company follows an At-will Employment policy sends both a strong and unambiguous message that terminations can and will occur under specific circumstances. While employees may not want a workplace that follows an At-will Employment policy most states adopt that law. 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